NE Wisconsin
Since 1985
Bay 920-465-4972
Fox Valley 920-967-0121
Oshkosh 920-233-2900
Service Area Map |
of 'filth' flies can be found in and
around homes
during warm season months. They are attractd to human and animal waste
and decaying garbage. Because of these habits, they are capable
of transmitting filth-related diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery.
All flies have two wings, while most other adult insects have four
wings. Flies have four life states: egg, larva, pupa ad
adult. Eggs are laid in a variety of decaying organic
and hatch into pail, legless maggots.
development is complete, the maggots wander from the larval development
site in search of a dry place to pupate (the pupa is the immobile state
characterized by a hard, dark brown 'shell'. The adult flies may emerge
in as little as 7 to 14 days.
Sanitation is the most important and effective measure in controlling
filth flies. Tie plastic bags containing garbage tightly, use garbage
cans with tightly fitting lids, and clean garbage containers on a
routine basis.
As a supplement to sanitation, MB Integrated Pest Control can treat
outdoor surfaces in areas of high fly activity, especially around
doors, windows, garbage cans and dog houses with a residual spray of an
eco-friendly insecticide.
Drain Fly
flies are small fuzzy gnats,
also called moth
flies, sewer flies or filter flies;
are covered with hairs.
They leave a powdery smudge
when crushed.
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Fruit Fly
flies range 1/16 to 1/8 inch long and are light to dark
in color.
Some of the more common fruit flies have bright red eyes.
Fruit flies
can breed very quickly, with the complete life cycle completed in 8-10
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House Fly
Flies are
one of the
most common of all insects. Adults are dull, medium-gray flies, 1/6 to
¼ inch long with four dark stripes on the thorax. They have
sponging, non-biting mouthparts for sucking up liquified foods.
Female house flies live for three
or four
weeks and lay batches of 75-100 small, white, oval eggs, usually in
garbage, but also in manure and decaying vegetation. House
flies are strong fliers, and can fly up to 20 miles,
primarily found within two miles of the larval food site.
When feeding, house flies regurgitate
liquid from the
stomach to dissolve food, then use their sponging mouthparts to suck it
up. They leave fecal spots, or 'specks',
where they
walked, and in this way may transfer disease organism to
humans and animals.
Little House Fly:
The adults of little house flies are
similar to house
flies, but they are smaller, from 1/8 to 3/16 inch long, and have a
more slender abdomen. Adult females commonly lay eggs in animal and
human excrement, and on decaying organic matter, including dead insects
and animals. The life cycle requires four weeks or less.
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The Phorid Fly is
commonly mistaken for "gnats."
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produce several generations per year; adult females lay 2-30 eggs in
clusters, and the complete metamorphis process produces more adults in
2-3 weeks.
flies are sometimes known as blue bottle
or green bottle flies. They general range
from ¼ to ½
inch long, and are characterized by metallic blue, green, or
copper-colored bodies. Females lay eggs on any garbage
meat scraps, and on dead animals and animal wounds. They may
deposit eggs onto feces-caked fur/wool on pets and other domestic
Blow fly larvae (maggots)
develop rapidly in warm weather, and maggots
reach full size on the 2nd or 3rd day after hatching. The
life cycle is a mere 10-25 days. As the maggots mature, they move away
from the carcass to pupate.
If an animal or bird has died in a chimney, wall void or ceiling, days
later an unexpected population of adult blow flies may suddenly appear.